mindset, love, positivity, lost my job, ideas for success

Relaxing into success

Posted on: February 2, 2021

How do you define success? Our global cultural perspective on success runs the full gambit. Around the globe success is defined by; weight, number of cows, family size, type of monetary possessions, level of happiness, others define success by one's job, income, degree of spiritual faith, color of skin, who you married, what kind of animals you domesticate, etc...

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How to cultivate calmness

Cultivate Calmness + Pease Within

Tags: , , , Posted on: January 12, 2021

I believe you have everything you need inside of you, and in your surroundings (mother nature), to build resilience, feel whole and live a life that you're excited about. It's a privilege to be human (it took millions of years to get this large brain of ours) and yet we're suffering from our own intelligence. We have a complex brain with imagination and memory w...

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digital detox, feel cleansed

Enjoy A Digital Detox and Feel Cleansed!

Tags: , , Posted on: December 12, 2020

STOP The Time Thieves and the 'ping, dings' of notifications. Unplug, and EnJOY a Digital Detox and Cleanse. Update Your Settings, Delete Apps, and Prioritize your digital world for your mental health and physical wellbeing. Recently many of us have turned to social media for entertainment and as our main 'personal' interaction. For this reason, it's more impo...

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My daily meditations help me beyond measure.

Choose An Ideal Meditation Style

Tags: , , , Posted on: November 11, 2020

I practice going to my ‘happy place’ on a daily basis. 💫I prioritize meditating because it brings me peace  and when I choose the ideal style of meditation for the situation I'm in, another dimension to reality is unveiled. 💫Whether I’m presenting on a conference call, or on vacation with my family, I practice THE relaxation techniques that meet me w...

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deeper conversations

Do This When Problems Overwhelm You

Posted on: October 4, 2020

We find ourselves in situations that are often times not ideal and sometimes feel overwhelmed by challenges in life. Here is how to plan strategically and rationally for the situation you find yourself in. Problems can be divided into THREE categories: Things you can fix, Things you have to put up with Things you should walk away from Take each chal...

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talk about anxiety

Confronting Anxiety Head On

Posted on: September 4, 2020

We all have underlying  anxiety that comes into play (whether it be subconscious or conscious). Let's understand the thoughts that perpetuate anxiety and ways to curtail it. How do you replace anxious feelings and thoughts with positive ideas when the negative occur and reoccur? First, instead of running from the very real unpleasant feelings, identify them and...

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12 habits for healthy living

Playfully Navigate Life’s Journey

Posted on: July 4, 2020

Focused on playfully navigating life’s journey VS hardening to it. Our inevitable challenging fate we humans have in these bodies is not an easy one. Do you take time to check in with yourself? When I do self check-in’s I can ID my mental and a physical state of being. THIS helps me maintain a high vibration AND it helps me quickly address when I’m off....

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say goodbye to depression and anxiety

HOW To Settle Your Mind During a Pandemic

Posted on: May 8, 2020

In the midst of widespread trepidation, what are your new mental health goals? It's my hope that each of us start pursuing a calm settled mind and ability to let go of the fear. We all know fear can be very persuasive and panic sets in. At the best of times most people don't carve times to work on themselves. One good thing about this past year is we aren't tu...

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"Hi QT, wanna improve your EQ?"

3 Strategies to Improve your Positive Intelligence (internal wisdom)

Posted on: May 6, 2020

Why don't I feel smarter? Studies clearly indicate it's our positive outlook, our Emotional Quotient (EQ), more-so than our Intelligence Quotient (IQ) that matters most. Western schools and institutions don't measure EQ yet, so our value on intelligence as a society has been misguided. Despite institutions telling us different, science knows EQ matters more th...

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Melt Into Relaxation Thru Meditation

Meditation and COVID-19 Era

Posted on: March 30, 2020

Right now stressful times call for not - so - stressful measures. We're literally being mandated to go inward so NOW is as perfect time to meditate. Meditation breathing techniques are arguably the best response during a panic attack + emotional turmoil. Science has demonstrated that we can have more mood predictability and focus in our liv...

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